• Commonly mistaken for fleas, lawn prawns are miniature crustaceans that have sprung up in some homes after an exceptionally wet few months. Unlike crabs, crayfish and lobsters with five pairs of legs, these mini-creatures possess seven pairs of limbs and have adjusted to a fully terrestrial lifestyle instead of residing in the ocean as regular prawns do. Also known as forest hoppers or water fleas, lawn prawns flaunt many incredible characteristics which make them distinctive from their close relatives.

    Unlike their ocean-dwelling relatives, lawn prawns cannot breathe underwater and can be endangered by sudden downpours. Just like us, they instinctively flee to drier and more elevated ground when faced with danger - which is why many homes might find these tiny critters on their lawns during the rainy seasons.

    Lawn prawns have been spotted at a tennis court.

  • A lawn prawn may seem insignificant, but symbols of the natural world often outweigh their small size. Its unique orange and brown striped shell is not just pleasing to the eye but serves an important purpose: protecting its soft interior from potential predators.

    Lawn prawns arrive on our lawns during its seasonal migration, bringing a newfound beauty to the environment and offering a glimpse of the temporary harmony between animate and inanimate objects.

    Lawn prawns help us connect with our natural environment and ask for nothing in return.

  • Hardcore Prawn Lawn is about reexamining how we live our lives, rather than simply following one set of predetermined rules. There are no boundaries or limitations, but instead the culture of Hardcore Prawn Lawn encourages self-exploration and personal growth.

    This isn’t just about dancing or dress sense; it is an attitude you try to bring into your everyday life and interactions with others. It is about accepting challenges that may seem intimidating, becoming your own advocate and believing in yourself above all else.

    Unafraid of risks and uncertainty, true Hardcore Prawn Lawn followers create their own path even if it takes them to a different direction from the norm.

  • Hi, I’m Darren. You can email me at theory.fiction@gmail.com if you’ve got any ideas.